Gem Certification Policy

Sapphire Bazaar Ceylon provides you authentication certificate on every gemstone you purchase. We also provide certifications from international agencies such as GIA, SCI and AGL. You can always verify the report details online which will prevent any fraudulent activity. Our process is explained below:

How our process works ?

Whenever you make a purchase from sapphire Bazaar Ceylon store, you will receive a GIC certificate free of charge which is issued by the gemological institution of colombo. If you wish to have an additional report, you can purchase it from Sapphire Bazaar Ceylon store.

After you made the payment for any additional report we will make the package and submit it to the laboratory. We will provide you contact details of the lab as well as the tracking number of your item. It will take 2-3 days to get the report from lab. Then the testing lab will ship the gemstone directly to your address along with the issued report.

Note – The testing laboratory is sending the gemstone directly to your address along with the report issued by them. This process will prevent the possibility of  any fraudulent activity. 

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